
Metaverse Technology Institute

Chen, Yisong

Title:Associate Professor

Institute:Metaverse Technology Institute

Research Interests:Computer vision, image processing

Phone:86-10-6275 1781

Chen, Yisong is an associate professor in theSchool of Computer Science. He obtained his B.Sc. from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1996, and Ph.D. from Nanjing University in 2001 respectively. His research interests include Image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition.

Dr. Chen published over 50 papers in leading journals and conferences in the fields of computer vision, computer graphics, image and video processing, pattern recognition, machine learning, data mining and intelligent systems. He is an inventor on 5 patents, which were licensed to several companies and commercialized. He was awarded/co-awarded more than 10 grants including NSFC, 863, and 973 grants of China. He has served as a grant reviewer for funding agencies, including National Science Foundation of China(NSFC), the National High-Technology Research grant of China (863), the National Basic Research Program of China (973). He has served as a referee for more than 10 international journals and conferences, and a program committee member of several international conferences. He has supervised more than 30 graduate/undergraduate students.