
Institute of Data Science and Engineering

Bian, Kaigui

Title:Associate Professor with Tenure

Institute:Institute of Data Science and Engineering

Research Interests:Wireless networking, mobile computing

Phone:86-10-6276 5815-8003

Bian, Kaigui is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science, and has served as the Associate Director of Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems since 2016. He obtained his B.Sc. from Peking University in 2005, and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech, USA in 2011 respectively. His research interests include wireless networking, mobile computing, and network security.

Dr. Bian has published more than 60 research papers and one monograph, including top-tier conferences and journals, such as ACM MobiCom, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM CCS, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TON, IEEE TMC. According to Google Scholar, his publications have received more than 1600 citations (as of April 2017). He has served in the Technical Program Committee of many international conferences. He was a Microsoft StarTrack young researcher (2013), and he was awarded CCF-Intel Young Faculty Researcher Award (2014) and IEEE ICC Best Paper Award (Cognitive Radio Symposium 2015).

Dr. Bian has been the PI of a number of research projects, including two NSFC, BJNSF, MOE research fund. His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) MAC protocol design in wireless networks: Wireless communication requires communicating devices to rendezvous or discovery each other over a common channel, and then access the spectrum in an opportunistic manner. Dr. Bian proposed a series of network protocols on medium access control. For instance, the research work on “channel hopping based radio rendezvous protocol” was recognized as a pioneering work by using the Quorum system, and referenced in “State of the Art Assessment” for European Commission as a representative technology of channel hopping; The paper on the full-duplex MAC protocol design won the best paper award of IEEE ICC 2015 cognitive radio symposium.

2) Mobile sensing and data analytics: Mobile smartphones are equipped with a rich set of sensors, which extends our capability of monitoring the physical world and provides us with easy-to-use mobile applications. Dr. Bian collaborated with students and other researchers on the development of mobile sensing systems and the analytics over the data collected from the built systems. He focused on the indoor/outdoor localization and navigation system, the information pulling technology via visible light communication, online and offline social network analysis, and autonomous driving and control of unmanned vehicles.