
Institute for Visual Technology

Xiong, Ruiqin

Title:Associate Professor with Tenure

Institute:Institute for Visual Technology

Research Interests:Video&Image coding and processing

Phone:86-10-6275 3644

Xiong, Ruiqin is an Associate Professor with Tenure in the School of Computer Science. He obtained his B.Sc. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2001, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2007. He was a Senior Research Associate with the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, from 2007 to 2009. He joined Peking University (PKU) in Feb. 2010 and was promoted to tenured position in Jan. 2016. His research interests include statistical image modeling, image and video processing, compression and communication.

Dr. Xiong has published more than 100 research papers in international journals and conferences, including 25 papers in IEEE Trans./Journals such as T-IP, T-CSVT and J-STSP, and 70+ papers in CVPR, DCC, ISCAS, ICIP, ICME, VCIP, etc. His publications have been cited over 1200 times according to Google Scholar, and over 690 times according to Scopus. He is co-inventor of more than 15 patent applications, among which 5 US patents and 3 CN patents have been granted. He served in Technical Program Committee of various international conferences including ISCAS, ICIP, ICME, MMSP and VCIP, and as Tutorial Co-Chair of PCM 2017, Symposium TPC Co-Chair of CHINACOM 2015, Session Co-Chair of ISCAS 2015, MMSP 2011, VCIP 2010. He served as reviewers for various journals including IEEE T-IP, T-CSVT, T-MM and J-STSP. He is recipient of the IEEE VCIP 2011 Best Paper Award, National Excellent Dissertation Award Nomination (2011), Excellent Dissertation Award (Chinese Academy of Science) (2010), President Award (Chinese Academy of Science) (2007), Microsoft Fellowship Award (2004), and MSRA Star-Track Young Scholar Program (2012).

Dr. Xiong is principle investigator for two NSFC research grants, three BJNSF research grants and two MOE research grants. He is also core participant of several important projects supported by MOST (e.g. 973 program). His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) Video compression: He proposed some methods for highly scalable video coding in order to cope with the channel bandwidth variation and different resolutions of displaying devices. He developed a 3D-wavelet based video coding scheme, which was adopted by MPEG as a reference scheme. He proposed some methods for highly efficient video coding (HEVC) and screen content coding (SCC).

2) Visual communication: He proposed some methods to optimize the FEC protection for streaming scalably compressed video stream over error-prone network with packet losses and stochastic transmission delays. He also proposed some uncoded pseudo-analog transmission scheme for visual communication in wireless broadcast scenarios, focusing on the problems of decorrelation transform, power allocation, layered coding, hybrid digital-analog modulation and decoder-side image reconstruction in such pseudo-analog transmission framework.

3) Image/video reconstruction: He studied statistical image modeling and investigated a few image/video restoration or reconstruction problems, including image denoising, inpainting, deblurring, interpolation/super-resolution, compressive sensing recovery, enhanced decoding of compressed images and videos, and image reconstruction problem in specifically designed visual communication schemes.