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当前的主要研究方向包括量子计算算法设计、量子模拟、量子资源理论等。截至2021年9月,袁骁博士在物理领域顶级国际会议及期刊发表论文61篇,其中包括 1 篇在 Review of Modern Physics,8 篇在 Physical Review Letters,2 篇在 Physical Review X,3 篇在 Nature,1篇在Nature Communication,6 篇在 NPJ Quantum Information,1 篇在 Quantum,1 篇在 Chemical Science,1 篇在 Optica,1 篇在 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,1篇在Science Bulletin,1篇在National Science Review,2 篇在 Advanced Quantum Technologies,17 篇在 Physical Review A,3篇在 Physical Review Applied,3 篇在 Physical Review Research, 10 篇 Arxiv 预印本,4 项专利和 2 篇会议。


49 journal papers (including 1 in Review of Modern Physics, 7 in Physical Review Letters, 2 in Physical Review X, 2 in Nature, 5 in NPJ Quantum Information, 1 in Quantum, 1 in Chemical Science, 1 in Optica, 1 in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1 in Advanced Quantum Technologies, and 17 in Physical Review A, 1 in Physical Review Applied, 2 in Physical Review Research) and 11 Arxiv preprints.

Selected Publications

  1. Xiao Yuan, A quantum-computing advantage for chemistry, Science 369 (6507), 1054-1055, 2020; (Perspective)

  1. Suguru Endo, Ying Li, Simon Benjamin,Xiao Yuan, Variational quantum simulation of general processes, Physical review letters 125, 010501, 2020;

  1. Sam McArdle, Suguru Endo, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Simon C Benjamin,Xiao Yuan, Quantum computational chemistry, American Physical Society, Reviews of Modern Physics, 92 (1), 015003, 2020;

  1. Yunchao Liu,Xiao Yuan, Operational resource theory of quantum channels, American Physical Society, Physical Review Research 2 (1), 012035, 2020;

  1. Sam McArdle,Xiao Yuan, Simon Benjamin, Error-Mitigated Digital Quantum Simulation, American Physical Society, Physical review letters, 122 (18), 180501, 2019;

  1. Sam McArdle, Tyson Jones, Suguru Endo, Ying Li, Simon C Benjamin,Xiao Yuan, Variational ansatz-based quantum simulation of imaginary time evolution, Nature Publishing Group, npj Quantum Information, 5 (1), 1-6, 2019;

  1. Sam Mcardle, Alexander Mayorov, Xiao Shan, Simon Benjamin,Xiao Yuan, Digital quantum simulation of molecular vibrations, Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemical Science, 10(22): 5725-5735, 2019;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Suguru Endo, Qi Zhao, Ying Li, Simon C Benjamin, Theory of variational quantum simulation, Quantum, Quantum 3, 191, 2019;

  1. Tyson Jones, Suguru Endo, Sam McArdle,Xiao Yuan, Simon C Benjamin, Variational quantum algorithms for discovering Hamiltonian spectra, American Physical Society, Physical Review A 99 (6), 062304, 2019;

  1. Qi Zhao, Yunchao Liu,Xiao Yuan, Eric Chitambar, Andreas Winter, One-Shot Coherence Distillation: Towards Completing the Picture, IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (10), 6441-6453, 2019;

  1. Yang Liu,Xiao Yuan, Ming-Han Li, Weijun Zhang, Qi Zhao, Jiaqiang Zhong, Yuan Cao, Yu-Huai Li, Luo-Kan Chen, Hao Li, Tianyi Peng, Yu-Ao Chen, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Sheng-Cai Shi, Zhen Wang, Lixing You, Xiongfeng Ma, Jingyun Fan, Qiang Zhang, Jian-Wei Pan, High-Speed Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generation without a Detection Loophole, American Physical Society, Physical Review Letters, 120 (1), 010503, 2018;

  1. Qi Zhao, Yunchao Liu,Xiao Yuan, Eric Chitambar, Xiongfeng Ma, One-Shot Coherence Dilution, American Physical Society, Physical Review Letters, 120 (7), 070403, 2018;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Hongyi Zhou, Mile Gu, Xiongfeng Ma, Unification of nonclassicality measures in interferometry, American Physical Society, Physical Review A 97 (1), 012331, 2018;

  1. Yang Liu, Qi Zhao, Ming-Han Li, Jian-Yu Guan, Yanbao Zhang, Bing Bai, Weijun Zhang, Wen-Zhao Liu, Cheng Wu,Xiao Yuan, Hao Li, WJ Munro, Zhen Wang, Lixing You, Jun Zhang, Xiongfeng Ma, Jingyun Fan, Qiang Zhang, Jian-Wei Pan, Device-independent quantum random-number generation, Nature Publishing Group, Nature 562 (7728), 548-551, 2018;

  1. BIG Bell Test Collaboration, Challenging local realism with human choices, Nature Publishing Group, Nature 557 (7704), 212, 2018;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Ge Bai, Tianyi Peng, Xiongfeng Ma, Quantum uncertainty relation using coherence, Physical Review A 96 (3), 032313, 2017;

  1. Xiongfeng Ma,Xiao Yuan, Zhu Cao, Bing Qi, Zhen Zhang, Quantum random number generation, Nature Publishing Group, npj Quantum Information 2 (1), 1-9, 2016;

  1. Zhu Cao, Hongyi Zhou,Xiao Yuan, Xiongfeng Ma, Source-independent quantum random number generation, American Physical Society, Physical Review X 6 (1), 011020, 2016;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Ke Liu, Yuan Xu, Weiting Wang, Yuwei Ma, Fang Zhang, Zhaopeng Yan, R Vijay, Luyan Sun, Xiongfeng Ma, Experimental quantum randomness processing using superconducting qubits, American Physical Society, Physical Review Letters 117 (1), 010502, 2016;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Syed M Assad, Jayne Thompson, Jing Yan Haw, Vlatko Vedral, Timothy C Ralph, Ping Koy Lam, Christian Weedbrook, Mile Gu, Replicating the benefits of Deutschian closed timelike curves without breaking causality, Nature Publishing Group, Npj Quantum Information 1 (1), 1-5, 2015;

  1. Xiao Yuan, Hongyi Zhou, Zhu Cao, Xiongfeng Ma, Intrinsic randomness as a measure of quantum coherence, American Physical Society, Physical Review A, 92 (2), 022124, 2015;

  1. Ping Xu,Xiao Yuan, Luo-Kan Chen, He Lu, Xing-Can Yao, Xiongfeng Ma, Yu-Ao Chen, Jian-Wei Pan, Implementation of a measurement-device-independent entanglement witness, American Physical Society, Physical review letters, 112 (14), 140506, 2014;


